Wednesday 27 April 2011


No double dip recession. We had growth (even though it was minuscule), which actually surprises me. But this gives off another question...with all the recent cuts, how long will this growth last? And what was the reason that it was negative last quarter? It couldn't have been weather, could it? That's ridiculous.

Read the article here.


Double-Dip Recession?? I wouldn't be surprised.

As we all (or most of us) know, we were recently in a recession. For all those who can't remember, it started halfway through 2008. Negative growth started in Q2 2008 and since the following quarter was negative growth, this was labelled as a recession (recession=2 quarters of negative growth). This happened while Gordon Brown, Former Labour Leader, was in Government. It was apparently all started by the collapse of banks, such as the Lehman Brothers in the US and since "when America sneezes, the world catches a cold" (Mr. Fivash), many countries...including us...went into recession. It was also due to aspects such as the credit crunch, where banks refused to lend (although not entirely sure if this was before or after).

A lot of craziness happened between Q2 2008 and Q4 2009 (the first quarter of positive growth after 6 quarters in the red). Interest rates hit an all time low (love the band XD) of 0.5%, Woolworths became bankrupt along with other businesses, a lot of money injected in and a lot of government intervention to save the banks, such as the takeover of RBS. Due to the recession, Labour and Gordon Brown got a lot of slack and lost face. Many people screamed for an election rather than the unfair passover from Tony to Gordon. Many Labour voters walked away as they were believed into thinking that Labour had "messed everything up" and first time voters were swayed away too.

A general election was finally called for May 2010 and everyone was on a LibDem/Nick Clegg hype (but they lost seats).Everyone believed they had a chance of winning. We had debates from the 3 major parties, which has never happened before. There were many agreements and disagreements but, when regarding the Economy, there were two major plans. Either make cuts now ("the deficit is too large") or wait until later ("we need stable growth first"). I'm sure we all know the outcome, Labour lost and no one got enough seats...leading to a coalition from Conservatives and LibDems, who agreed on basically...... nothing.

Well, if you haven't heard, last quarter (Q4 2010) we dipped back into negative growth because of "bad weather". Which is laughable, to say the least. Cuts have been made most of this year, especially this month. Soon, if you look at BBC NEWS you can see that the key figures for this quarter are soon to be published. If the GDP growth figure is negative, then we are officially back into a recession, deeming it to be called a "Double-Dip Recession". This is because we have only been out of negative growth for a year (4 quarters) and if you look at a chart of the growth for the last few will see a double nice....

And, to be honest, would you be surprised? I won't be. The cuts were made at the wrong time, IMO.  I wonder what will happen at the next election, because people now hate Cameron and Clegg. Will Clegg still lead LibDems? What about Cameron? Will people switch back to Labour? Or are they still hated too? Will AV be in place? There are so many questions, but I guess all will have to wait. But the recession one...well not too long. Watch this space...we'll see what happens.

Also, I'm still annoyed that we sold of Cadbury's!!

Sunday 24 April 2011

Could I watch any more movies? (Pt. 2)

This post (should...we'll see how it goes >.<) be shorter, but contain more movies.

Next was Scott Pilgram Vs. the World!!!!!
I watched this when it was in the Cinema and LOVED IT!! About a guy, Scott, who falls for a gal, Ramona. He wants to be with her but before he can, he must defeat her 7 Evil Ex's (not ex boyfriends). It release my inner nerd (well...I don't have an inner's on the surface! XD). I got the DVD for Easter (well me and siblings...I don't get DVD's very often...*cough*download*cough*) and watched it not too long ago. It's a great movie full of video game, comic book and manga refrences (especially Nintendo! ^_^) and it just makes you wanna live in a video game world. It has great battles and awesome Rock Out moments with great songs, like the clash at demonhead, Black Sheep (TCAD...i"m sure it's actually someone else's cover.."^_^). Link below! Another Must Watch!

(For the version that starts with scene from movie, then random scenes with song...follow link:
P.S. Now reading the comic books of it. =)

Next is Devil.
A good/decent horror movie made(?) by M. Night Shyamalan. It's about 5 people who get trapped in an Elevator. While waiting to be rescued, crazy stuff happens which is seen to be the work of the Devil. If you have some time, I would say give it a watch, see what you think. Watched earlier today. But no matter how good he makes movies like this, I will never forgive M. Night for what he did with The Last Airbender. Unforgivable!!

Lastly it's Ghibli general.
As we all know, Easter (like all other festive holidays =)) is a time for movies!! And if you've been scouting around the TV guide or flipping channels looking for may have realised that this Easter is gonna be Ghibli (>.<). Because today alone, both Spirited Away and My Neighbour Totoro both came on and I watched both (yes, I watched 4 movies in 1 day, no wonder I didn't get much time for work). If you missed them and are a fan, don't fret...Princess Mononoke will be on Film4 the coming Monday. And for all you non-fans, watch it too. Many Ghibli movies are made by a genius called Hayao Miyazaki and they are wonderful movies full of spirits, love, nature and how we connect with the world. They all have sad moments and happy moments. Princess Mononoke is gorier then most of them, but it has an underlying beauty that needs to be seen to be recognised. Go and Sky+ it now!!
Here's a wonderful song from Spirited Away:

It's an Instrumental track.

What's your favourite scary movie?

(>^_^)>  ^(^_^)^   <(^_^<)

Could I watch any more movies? (Pt. 1)

So, My easter break...within this week...has been full of some great movies.

The first was SCRE4M (Scream 4).
I LOVED this movie!! I'm a big horror movie fan and think Wes Craven is awesome. ^_^ This movie starts as the 15th anniversary of the event known as the "Woodsboro Murders" and Good Ole Sidney Prescott has returned!! Cool...not cool! She's known as the Angel of Death and when she comes back, so does Ghostface Killer and two people were killed on the anniversary. Watched this ON RELEASE with a few mates at Tottenham Court Road Odeon. During the day, before the showing, we roamed the area...having fun and seeing if there was a place to get a Ghostface Mask. There was one place, but alas sold out. I know you can get them anywhere, but this was a last minute plan and I wanted one for the movie.

Anyway, the movie is's weird to say that about horror movies, but not for Scream, as they've always been quite humorous, but this is the funniest. A lot more blood is involved and a strange motive, making for one demonic killer. Stab also returns and now has 8 movies (I think they say 7 at some point, but I'm sure they SHOW 8...hmmmm =S), and they are very funny too. As well as Stab, the movie contains other references and scenes that remind you of the originals, but I won't spoil too much (BTW, the new rules/conventions for survival=HILARIOUS! >.<). The movie also contains a LOT of stars and big names...a lot more than a knew were in it. Albeit they aren't in the movie for long, but there nonetheless. A MUST WATCH! One person said (whom I don't like) that it wasn't scary and therefore crap. D= =O >=/!! I wasn't scared, sure, but one of my friends was. But that didn't make a bad horror movie, as I don't get scared by horror movies anyway. So my response was "What? So you normally crap your pants?" XD

If you love horror/slasher movies and/or Scream and/or Wes Craven (like Nightmare on Elm Street!...more slasher!!)...follow the links for his IMDb INTERVIEWS!!! =O

Wes Craven Interview Part 1
Wes Craven Interview Part 2

Also, sequels to follow!!! SUPER PSYCHED!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK SCREAM!
(>^_^)>     ^(^_^)^    <(^_^<) (kirby is my sig).

Monday 18 April 2011

MARCH MADNESS!! I LOVE March 2011!! (Part 2)

The launch of the 3DS...I'm FAMOUS!!

Now...the end of the month (well the 24th/25th...stop nitpicking you! D=<...jk....). This marked the release of 3DS!! FINALLY!!!! AHHHH!!! skasgjashv*crazied...again*! And...yet again...I went to the launch!! It was amazing! It was at HMV Oxford Street (YAY OXFORD STREET)!! I was no. 51 in the queue (narrowly missed out on the top 50 V.V). But never mind.

Got ridiculous amounts of free stuff, from Nintendo Plushes and 3DS umbrellas to a free GAME!! YAY!! I got street WAS SIGNED!! That's right! I met Yoshinori Ono, the creator of Street Fighter!! So...I met yet ANOTHER famous japanese creator!!  And I took a pic with him!!

Also, for the launch...I decide to dress in pure Nintendo attire. From a Ninty top, to a ninty hoodie top it all off (literally >.<) I wore my mario hat! This last part got me interviewed by everyone!! From Machima and ONM and even gamspot and vg247! I also got filmed for an advert on Sky (I still need to find out if I actually got put in...more to follow).

One of the best things about the night had to be the fact that I met tons of great people! Such as Robin and David (latter who has a Star and Bob-omb tattoos on his forearms! cool). Also, met Marti and Colette, (bloggers from ONM).

ALL IN ALL A GREAT END TO THE MONTH!!! Just like the Pokémon signing I will NEVER EVER forget this day...even if I am in a horrible car crash and...yet again...get amnesia (knock on wood D= )

Pics will be edited in asap!!
(>^_^)>  ^(^_^)^   <(^_^<)

MARCH MADNESS!! I love March 2011!! (Part 1)

B/W launch and signing...with Ken Sugimori and Junichi Masuda!!

So now it's official April (since it's my birthday tomorrow ^_^ edit:just realised that it seems to be US time or bday is tuesday) and I thought I still need to share my love for March 2011. So, the beginning of the month (well the 4th) marked the release of Pokémon Black and White. They were great but weren't without some faults. Love some of the new Pokémon. But before the release I found out about the launch at Oxford Street, GAME! Now this wasn't just any ordinary launch because KEN SUGIMORI and JUNICHI MASUDA were going to be there. They are the character designer and composer respectively for Game Freak! Without these guys, my childhood would not have been half as good as it was!!! They were autographing stuff so I basically took EVERYTHING signable that I owned and see what I could get signed. >.<

I went with my good friend Karamjeet (Chibimajito-san) and met her good friend Carol (RoarkieBear@dA). And we were queueing. Further up the queue I saw a girl I recognised...and it happened to be Nikki (Kidura@dA). I was like O_o OMG!! It was strange to see her because I hadn't seen her in 2/3 YEARS!! Since the Darkrai event @ Woolworths 2009 (poor woolworths T_T).

I got retro stuff signed such as my Mewtwo vs. Mew behind the scenes tape and a poster I got years ago in a Pikachu mini-filofax. Also, got a Dark Lugia Poster signed. Ken Sugimori was awesome because he drew a mini ash picture when he signed the filofax pic...with chicken neck and all!! I could have opened my Dark Lugia poster and he would've drawn Lugia...but it was massive...oh well. I also practiced playing Lugia's song on my iPhone Ocarina and played it for Masuda. He was very happy, which made me very very giddy. The whole time I was jumping and giddy and excited and agdwjhqdwg *crazy*!! I also gave the both a present in form of an Ancient Mew card!! The whole day just left me in awe and...absolutely...speechless. Even to date, I can't describe how I felt that day. Still feels surreal that I actually met them!!!

ALL IN ALL A GREAT START TO THE MONTH!! I will NEVER EVER forget this day...even if I get run over by a bus and get amnesia (knock on wood D= )

(Pics to be added soon)

(>^_^)>   ^(^_^)^   <(^_^<)